Friday, July 2, 2010

Earlier times

Here I am again.
We are going back in time before the Polo days. Moving over to the USA was a big thing for me, as I have a really close family. Ever since I was a child, I always knew that some day I would make it over the big pond! During the days when I worked in the horse world, it seemed very old fashioned. I had never heard of the Internet, and a cell phone, ha, that was unheard of. I really wonder how the heck we all coped, but we did. It is amazing how the world has changed in a matter of 30 years or so.

I remember when I was 15yrs young, I would cycle 5 miles to and from the barn, uphill and worked a long day, sometimes in sub-zero temps, my hands and feet would tingle and go numb. Not to mention the chill blames on my thighs. I got paid 5 pounds a week. Wow, I felt so wealthy; after all I was still living at home with my folks. I did not drive until I was at least 21yrs of age. It took me 3 times until I passed the driving test. The driving test in England is grueling to say the least! Nothing worse than having a passenger ( your examiner) sitting next to you, and staring with a long unfriendly look, just waiting for you to make one, yes only one mistake, then you would fail the whole thing. In England, you could not reapply to re-take the test for another 3 months. Once I passed my driving test, finally there was a huge party. No I did not drink and drive, took me long enough to get my license. I was not about to loose it that fast, or if that at all.

I have always had the drive to do what I want and to be successful. I would have been riding for my country, but we were not that well off as a family when I was younger. I was not able to get my own horse. In England, you have to be seen doing well on your own horse to get a name. I did the next best thing and rode other people’s horses and did well. I worked for a couple of international riders. I remember going to a school to teach me how to have a career with horses. On the way, we had a picnic in a lovely field in the country side in the Warwick-shire area. Upon eating, we noticed a foul smell and a horrible gurgling noise around us, to find out that we were sitting on top of a sewer pit.

I find that back then. Everyone seemed to have integrity and core values. Most personal development programs out there today they get you motivated, but if you don’t have core values, then the motivation goes away and you don’t tend to succeed. GreatHeart starts with two foundation parts. One goes through the 7 character traits and the other one takes you through the 7 life skill sets. This will change lives without a doubt.

Come back to my blog to read on about more great funny stories!

“He that can rule his own spirit is greater than he that takes a city. “ Solomon

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How it all began!

So you are wondering who I am. You probably think, oh another one of those social media butterfly bugs!

Well OK, here it is! I am originally from the UK. I loved horses as a kid and so I decided to make a career of it, although it was very challenging, it was also very interesting. There was a lot of traveling in with this package, sleeping in trucks, tack rooms, barns, one time in California, I had the pleasure of the company of a desert scorpion and maybe a black widow or two,not to mention the snakes. I did it all. I ended up in the polo world and got to mingle with the rich and famous such as, William Devane (from the famous soap Knots Landing,) he happened to approach me one day at a game to ask, “Which is your best playing pony?” I also had a run in with The Prince of Wales, whilst collecting the horse from Mike, who was the player that I worked with, Mike happened to be talking about the porridge (oatmeal) that I would make him before each game, and Charley shouts out “porridge, porridge, what’s this about porridge “ to me in his low posh voice. On another occasion I remember a time that a bunch of us were outside Windsor Castle with a box full of booze trying to crash into a party and, yes, we actually got in, it was a blast. Polo eventually was what got me over to the USA. It was a great time while it lasted. I will tell you more about my polo times in a later blog.

I have always had a passion to help and give back to others. Five years ago, I decided on a career change, so I became a fitness trainer. I not only get people fit physically, but I find that there is a lot of emotion attached too, with them being over weight e.c.t. I treat my clients as if they are my friends and I make each and everyone of them feel special in their own way.

I find my career as a trainer so fulfilling, especially when you have a gentlemen with Parkinson’s disease start to play nine holes of golf again. I am really enjoying the GreatHeart program. This is really teaching me how I think and connect with others. I can’t wait to share this with the world. I feel that if you want to change and succeed in life, you have to make that choice; it is so easy with this program.

You better live your best and act your best and think your best today, for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Change your Life with GreatHeart!

Hi friend,

I’d like to tell you a little about what I do. I’m involved in a new personal development program called “GreatHeart”.

This program has absolutely changed my life. I was always a shy person and kept to myself, and I had a tremendous fear of connecting with others.

My real passion is to help people get fit in every way. And of course, this requires a connection with others. I started GreatHeart and I did not look back. People where just coming out of the woodwork from everywhere, from all kinds of referrals. I would not be here today if it weren’t for the GreatHeart program.

The new website will be coming up in Mid-July, which I am very excited about. Our first Web Broadcast will be starting on Monday night, July 12, at 9:00pm EST. This first series is called “The 7 Life Skill-sets”, where Mike teaches us 7 unique and progressive topics such as, “Taming the Little Voice”, “The Power of Words”, “One on One Engagement”, “The Art of Winning favor”, and more. This is an 8 week series, with individual one hour broadcasts.

We are soon moving to an online Web Broadcast format, with “Video on Demand” capability. Our members will have 24/7, worldwide access to the website and broadcasts.

Our founder is Mike Tobey, a former Spring Training chaplain for the St. Louis Cardinals and a National conference speaker. Mike really shares from the heart and speaks from experience. The GreatHeart Series is absolutely a life-changing experience. I will be keeping you up to date on all of our GreatHeart Broadcast series and any new advancements coming up.

Have a blessed day,

Your friend, Nikki